Where is everywhere

Homelessness and disparity on the streets has no borders nor boundaries in our Nation and around the world, spreading to every city, town, neighborhood, and street corner.

God is everywhere, and is of all things showing His love to the world through His son, Jesus Christ, who He sacrificed on a wooden cross for the sins of mankind so that whosoever believes by faith will not die to hell, but have eternal life in Heaven. LIFESIGN is a part of His love for all of mankind, offering the hope to the homeless people around the world, and those living in dispair on the streets yearning for recovery. No one will ever be denied this hope wherever they may be or come from. LIFESIGN by the power of God is available to any living person in the world.

The LIFESIGN Network is built on a rock foundation volunteers in mapped geographic regions, we call LIFESIGN PODs, within major cities and heavily populated areas that are plagued with homelessness, opening doors for anyone regardless of their location, obstacles, challenges, and availability.

Wherever the homeless and despair resides should also be the volunteers to help LIFESIGN deliver the hope. The door is open for men and women of all ages to volunteer for the LIFESIGN mission from all parts around the world. It only takes a few steps to become a volunteer of LIFESIGN with training and support. If you see anyone that needs a LIFESIGN, contact us with your location and any details of the candidate you can offer. The LIFESIGN support team is ready and available no matter the location. As seasons change so does the LIFESIGN hot spots change as people on the streets move around in different directions.

Remember that God is everywhere, and He knows everything and sees everything even before it happens. You may not sense His presence wherever you are, but He is there. When you encounter a homeless person or someone is dispair on the streets, God is there. Jesus said it clearly, "I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me." Matthew 25:44-45 NLT.

If you are reading this, then remember the next time you see a person on the street needing help, wherever you are in the world, LIFESIGN offers the hope of recovery and Salvation in Jesus Christ. Be a part of God’s mission and contact us.