What is a LIFESIGN?

LIFESIGN is a bridge for the public to crossover to meet a homeless person, or person in despair on the streets, in the safety of their mobile device or computer.

The LIFESIGN is an actual sign homeless people and people in despair on the streets hold up for the public to see as they pass by. Each LIFESIGN has a unique identification number assigned to the person holding up their LIFESIGN, printed big and bold for the public take notice and remember. Under the identification number is our website address, givemehope.net, for the public to access on their smartphones, mobile devices and home computer. A QR code is also printed on the LIFESIGN to provide faster access for the public taking a photograph of the LIFESIGN. Going to our website, using the identification number, the public can find and meet the person they just saw on the street. The LIFESIGN profiles includes everything about the person, their life story, present conditions, future hopes, their Christian faith, and their custom recovery plan to get off the streets. The LIFESIGN is designed to be bigger, brighter, and louder, giving the person on the streets a new voice and a new face for the public to discover and connect.

LIFESIGN’s are earned through a registration and vetting process, and are not randomly given out to anyone. Once the individual qualifies, commits, and agrees to the LIFESIGN requirements, a lifetime identification number is assigned to the person along with a fitted Recovery Plan designed specifically for the person’s condition’s, present and future needs, goals to achieve full restoration off the streets, and support as a newborn Christian in Jesus Christ. Volunteers are assigned to a LIFESIGN to ensure the Recovery Plan is active and supported. Any financial donations received for a LIFESIGN are not given directly to the individual, but instead 100% of the donation goes toward their recovery plan.

A LIFESIGN held up for a day can generate over a thousand profile views in less than 24 yours. For the first time, the public now has an easy and safe way to meet and greet a person on the streets. Unlike the historical methods of traditional food banks, shelters, state funded programs, churches, local relief funds, holiday events, LIFESIGN battles the homeless and street despair pandemic 365 days, promoting each LIFESIGN with a four part solution designed by God:

LIFESIGN is a tool to educate the public about these people on the streets asking for help. The public is quick to judge the homeless or needy person on the streets holding up corrugated scrap with a written message asking for help. LIFESIGN changes everything.